
Friday, 5 May 2017

Tara and Olivet's writing extension.

We have beeen learning about WW1 and the ANZACs. Here is a presentation we made to show our understanding of how we can ask questions, and find information.


  1. i like the way you asked the questions and answered them:D!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like all your detail on each slide
    by Noah

  4. Talofa lava Mr Ward's Class!

    We really enjoyed reading your question and answer slides about World War 1. We also really like the backgrounds that you used. The backgrounds that you used reminded us of when we did some art and poems about ANZAC Day. You had lots of interesting facts, where did you get all your information from?

    We are looking forward to hearing back from you.
    From Room 13 at May Road School.

  5. Talofa lava Mr ward's class!

    I really liked how you put new images in your blog. Where did you got the images from ?

  6. Talofa lava Mr Ward's Class
    I really like your Q&A and i like the backgrounds. The Q&A remindad me when we did some art poems about ANZAC day.

    where did you get the all your information from?
    from Mehran.

  7. kia ora,
    Our names are Autumn and Breeze. We like your videos but we decided to comment on this one. Why did you do this video? Why did you not do more pages?

  8. Kia ora my name is kahealani i really like your post about war it is really good it reminds me of what we done for our war art

  9. Nice job! im oscar from south hornby school i like the animations you used for the slide show its awesome and you did great! we did war stuff to we learnt about thomas harry kinder it was hard but we got it!


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about