We have been learning about fractions and finding out where they live. Fractions represent numbers that have been divided into pieces. So they live between whole numbers on the number line. We have to remember to look to the Numerator for clues about how many whole or part numbers we must count, and the Denominator for clues about the size of the chunks between the whole numbers.

Kia ora Mr Ward's learners,
ReplyDeleteI know this is a 2017 post, but I wanted to welcome you all to Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu 2018. My name is James and although I don't officially work with Manaiakalani anymore, I love dipping into the class blogs and taking to share in your learning. I really love the language you guys are using in your fractions- I remember teaching this many times and we all called the top number the numerator fairy and the bottom number the denominator troll (because he lived under the dividing bridge). Fractions can be hard to understand because they're quite different from the rest of maths, but when you get them, you get them! Great job sharing this with everyone. Can't wait to see what 2018 brings you all.
Mā te wā
hey can you make a number bigger