
Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Using Powtoons

Today we were introduced to using Powtoons. We tried to retell the story or Taranaki fighting Tongariro for the love of Pihanga.


  1. Kia Room 9, great powtoon about the story of Pihanga. Could you add some te reo Maori into the callouts?
    Mrs Krausse

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for the excellent idea! I will add those in soon.

  2. wow thats great ill love to see more

  3. wow awesome i'll love to see what else you guys can do it is fantastic

  4. i love your work i will love to see more

  5. Hi my name is Harley I really like the way you created a powToon of taranaki fighting tarongo for the love of pirahangi I am impressed by your work next id love to see a video of to use powtoon.

  6. hi my name is lexus i really like that you have created a powtoon about taranaki fighting with tarongo it is really good i like it

  7. I love how you used powtoon to make a DLO. Maybe next time you do this make it longer than it is now.

  8. Kia Ora My Name is Samicia It would be cool if you could do a tutorial of how to use powtoon.

    Nga Mihi

  9. i love your Powtoon video because i love the way taranaki and tarongo fighting for pirahangi

  10. hi my name is Tinarose i like the way that you subscrib ideas

  11. Hi my name is Mahia i like hiow vireos and pichra

  12. I love it butt just make it an bit longer

  13. Hi Im Dylan From South Hornby school. I really like the way you used powtoon to make a DLO. Next time you could have made it a tiny bit longer. And not change the picture for the mountain

  14. wow!
    really creative i like it. it is really cool.
    by tipene

  15. Hello my name is Oscar from south hornby i like the pictures you used but i didn't see any fighting and you said that they were fighting but anyway good job

  16. Hello Mr Ward it is me again Merika from South Hornby school I really liked your Maori slide show it was very creative and really cool to watch but maybe next time can you please add some more things in your slide show but it was really cool to watcc.

    Bye Mr Ward
    blog you later


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