
Monday, 11 December 2017

Hunter Rushes through the air on the rope swing. From our trip to Sonshine Ranch 8/12/17.

Check out our blogs for more information about the trip, and for more photos!

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Using Powtoons

Today we were introduced to using Powtoons. We tried to retell the story or Taranaki fighting Tongariro for the love of Pihanga.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Where do fractions live?

We have been learning about fractions and finding out where they live. Fractions represent numbers that have been divided into pieces. So they live between whole numbers on the number line. We have to remember to look to the Numerator for clues about how many whole or part numbers we must count, and the Denominator for clues about the size of the chunks between the whole numbers.

Lockdown Practice!

In the event of a loose dog, or a swarm of bees, would you know where to go or what to do? Thankfully Room 9 now know! We practiced this new drill as a whole school with the help of Mr Wade who came in to teach us. We had to lie flat on the floor and be silent for nearly 25 minutes! It was not easy but we managed.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

A Child Like Me

We have been learning about "culture." But what is culture? And do different people express it in different wayss? We wondered these things and many more. Here are some of the questions we decided to investigate. 

Each student chose a country or  culture (we learned that cultures and countries are not the same!) and investigated each of these questions. We are still working on this project but check out our blogs over the next week to start seeing some of what we have found out!

Grandparent's Day at PCS

How do you let Grandma and Grandad know to come to school on time? By writing them an invitation of course! Ivan drew this picture of a Grandpa in a wheelchair. He is drinking tea because there is afternoon tea provided. The other lady is Grandma McGarvey from the popular book series. This picture is from "Grandma McGarvey goes to school" which is one of Mr Ward's favourite books.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Purposeful Reading Comprehension

We have been putting our comprehension skills to good use through plays. We have had to think about how our characters are thinking, feeling, and acting, and we have had to create sets based on information in the texts. Some of us are making our costumes, and some are painting the lovely backdrops that we will use to present our plays.

Watch the videos and leave us some feedback. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Testing Screencastify

This post is to experiment with embedding screencastify videos. Room 9 aws trying to post a screen cast for the first time and it was very difficult. This was our third or fourth try before we got it.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Tara and Olivet's writing extension.

We have beeen learning about WW1 and the ANZACs. Here is a presentation we made to show our understanding of how we can ask questions, and find information.

Kiranjot's independent writing. "Fimble's Flag"

This year the whole school is focusing on improving our writing. The class has been encouraged to use their chromebooks to further their learning at home. Check out this story that Kiranjot has been crafting over the holidays! Note the cleaver use of speech, and the exciting variety of sentence beginings. . . . . . Date - 8th April 2017. Fimbles florris’s flag It was a lovely sunny day in fimble valley. Florrie was helping baby pom to build a tower, and fimbo and rockit Were having races. Just as florrie put the last block on the top of baby pom’s tower, She heard the tinkling tree tinkling. ‘’I’m getting the fimbling feeling ‘’she cried. ‘’I can feel a twinkling, I can hear a sound, It’s telling me there’s something Waiting to be found! Where is it? Where is it? What could it be? I think it might be over there, Let’s go and see!’’ florrie’s find looked like a Black and white tablecloth stuck to a stick. She waved it in the air. Swoosh! Swoosh! ‘’Oooh, you’ve found a flag!’’ chirped bessis.’’ a special flag! It’s called a chequered flag. You wave it to finish a race.’’ ‘’ fimbo and rockit love rockit “, said florrie. ‘’I’ll go and wave My flay them!’’ all the racing they had done, though, had made rockit and fimbo very hungry. And then all the apples and crumble crackers they had eaten had made them very sleepy… Zzzzzzzzzzz… ‘’fimbo, rockit, wake up! Look what I’ve found!’’ cried florrie. ‘’A special flag you Use to finish a race.’’ ‘’fimbo! Glung! Want to race?’’ said rockit. Zzzzzzzzzzz… ‘’never mind!’’ Said rockit. ‘’I’ll race bessise and roly insttgead. ‘’We’ll start and finish the race here, by pom’s tower”, said florrie. ‘’I ‘m just going to go and eat an apple to give me lots of energy’’,said rockit , Bouncing off. ‘’You start without me. I,m so fast, I’ll easily catch up with bessie and roly!’’ ‘’On your marks… get set… go!’’ shuoted florrie. But what had happened to rockit? Eating an Apple had made rockit sleepy all over again. Zzzzzzzz… baby pom and florrie’s shouting Woke rockit up. ‘’Glung!’’ he glunged,bouncing off the comfy corner. ‘’Oh no! The race!’’ rockit Bounced as fast as he could past the bubble fall. He bounced past the playdips. He bounced past the tinkling tree. He bounced as he had never bounced before. At the finish line, florrie was Holding her flag. Bessie fluttered past. ‘’Bessie’s first’’, she cried. Swoosh! Went the flag. Roly Rolled past ‘’roly’s second’’, she cried. Swoosh! Rockit bounced in at top sheed… ...straigiht into Baby pom’s tower. Crash! ‘’Rockit’s third!’’ florrrie laughed. Swoosh! ‘’Tickle my tadpoles! That was fun, even though i didn’t win!’’ said rockit. ‘’ what’s going on?’’ yawned fimbo, ‘’i ‘m ready for more races now. Anyone want to race?’’ ‘’yes!’’ shouted everyone. Swoosh! Went Florrie’s flay.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Team building day notices

As part of the build up to team building day we have all had to design a menu for our shared lunch and then write a letter home to our parents explaining what we will need to bring on the day. Here are some of our letters.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Our 60's dances!

Here are some of our groups performing their dances based on 60's pop.
We can see, the Twist, and The Mashed Potato.

Student has to research the background to their dance and then learn the steps from YouTube videos. We hope to record our dances ourselves once we have finished practicing. 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Letter writing 21.03.2017

We have been learning about the Swinging Sixties. We have chosen to share our learning by writing a letter to some one. This is our class model to Mr Tetzlaff,

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Welcome to room 20/9!

Powering into learning

Welcome to the first post from Room 20/9! It is nearly the end of week 6 and we have been flat tack. We have learned a lot about our selves, about our learning, about our tools, and about our school, over the past six weeks. In the coming weeks we will be developing inquiry and research skills as we study The Arts across the decades.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Welcome to your class blog

Welcome to blogging. Have fun sharing your learning with the world